Sunday, August 17, 2008

A trip to the E.R.

Of course it was Callie, Again!! On Friday she started showing symptoms of getting sick... gunky eye, snotty nose & crabby. Well lastnight we had my family over for a campfire and Callie started getting fussy, but it was around bedtime so I decided to bring her in and give her a bath then put her to bed. Once I got inside Callie was shivering.. she had a low fever, 100.1. I gave her some motrin and her normal bath.Still shivering and her fever is now 101.2.. so it was climbing. I call the on call Ped. and he says that since I am so concerned I should just take her to the E.R. Boy was that an experience with a 14 month old. Callie has white-coat syndrome.. anytime someone would come near her she would cry.. no matter what they were doing, even listening to her chest! I didn't like the E.R. doc.. he seemed a tad bit arogant..I just didn't have a good vibe about him at all... her nurse was fantastic. Anyway they took her O2 levels, fine.. For some reason they didn't have a Peds ear thermomoter so they had to take her temp. rectally.. I went off.. I really hate it to be taken that way and I have never taken any of my children's temp that way.. it's just wrong!!!!!!! Anyway her temp is now 103.. still rising. Before they give her anymore medicine they took some blood work. They were afraid that she would get herself so worked up that she would vomit it back up.. like she did after the Dr. took 10 min. to check her ears.. What!! Her ped would have took a few moments per ear and would have been able to give a proper diagnosis! She also had to get some chest x*rays which revealed nothing.. Her blood work revealed a virus of some sort and her white blood cell count was elevated. They are not sure why but give her a shot of antibiotics and a Rx for some more & a follow up on Mond. at her regular Peds office.

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