Friday, December 4, 2009

I know I'm late on updating..... Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving has come and gone.. quite smoothly might I add. We started the holiday off with Carter having a "play" at school. It was very cute, short & sweet! Carter was a pilgrim...The play was about the the men hunting for a turkey.. there were Native American men & women: Pilgrim men & women: Pilgrim ministers : and of course turkey. Carter's teacher was the narriator and then each group had specific lines that had to say.. Carter's line was Bang! Bang! the ministers line was Praise the Lord!.. the womens was Mercy me!!

ain't he soo cute

Then Thursday we had the family here for dinner.. even Pawpaw was able to join us!

Jason deep fried the bird and I done all the fixins::: cheesy potatoes,Thanksgiving yams,green bean casserole,gravy, cranberry relish, (I forgot to make the stuffing ..LOL) baked corn & rolls! for dessert.. pumpkin pie of course! It was all good. We even had some leftovers.. imagine that with my family :)

Mom brought over some wine & made a toast to family.. (Have I ever mentioned I don't like wine)
ooo.. you can see my new light!! I ♥ it!!

My sister managed to wrangle all the grandkids and get a great picture(on only the 2nd try..LOL)

Owen wanted to have a dance off.. that was fun.. Not sure who won and of course still shots don't show the true talent but the faces are super funny

and of course a family gathering isn't complete without Sadie & Baby Jane having some fun of their own

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