Thursday, November 27, 2008

A time for Thanks giving

It's not only a holiday but something we should do every single day! Give thanks to our Lord God for everything great that He does for us!! AMEN! It's so important to remember where the good stuff comes from... as a family we sit down every night and talk of the blessings that we have received from God that day.. I will admit that some days(the stressful ones) is hard to find a blessing but there is always, always a blessing to be found!

So today we celebrated with my family(no drama) and gave thanks for all the wonderful blessings in our lives.. stable work in a crappy economy, family, health, love, wonderful parents(thanks Owen)good food(thanks Jason for pulling everything together) and most important we give thanks to God because without Him where would we be???

1 comment:

fluffyslippers said...

so true kristy!
i am glad you had a drama free thanksgiving with your family!

god bless you and jason and the kids ;-)
