What a whirlwind of a weekend!
We celebrated Callie turning one by having 2 parties... one for his side and one for mine and friends! His side seemed empty due to the fact that Jason's brother John & family weren't able to make it(it was their anniversary weekend) So that meant we were shy 8 people. But we had a fun time anyway. I served light snacks(fruit, cheese, chips & pretzels) and of course I had cupcake sundaes for everyone to enjoy! Callie got a few cool things... a lawn chair, a couple rubber duckies, a shovel, & some jammies(which she needed)!
On Sunday we celebrated by taking Callie and the boys to get photos taken..yep I tend to be that anal that the birthday pic has to be taken on the day of the actual birthday, not a before or after!! So they took a few of Callie solo and then I wanted one of the 3 of them together... by this time she didn't want anymore taken and it was hard to get her to stay sitting with Owen & Carter but I did manage to get somewhat of a decent photo!! Soon after we got home it was time for the party guests to arrive... Nanna & Pap; Peggy, Sue-sue and girls(plus Maven, Briann & of course Scott);Uncle Nunner & Susie with their kiddos; Jimmy , Amber & Lincoln(wow is he ever getting big); Amy & Mike and their kiddos... I think that was it.. once everyone arrived Jason cooked dogs on the grill..yummmeeee!!
we played a few games for both the kids and adults.. they seemed to be a hit!
Callie received more cool gifts:::: a doll baby, a swimming poop, a ride on toy, a rocking chair w/ ottoman, a charm for a necklace, clothing, sippy cups, bath toys, crayons & a doodle pad! Once it was time for cake Callie was pretty tired and I wasn't sure how she would do.. well she spied a lollipop and she HAD to have that.. she wouldn't even let go of it for the cake... which she finally ate.. face first!! She only took 2 bites! But that was good enough!
Callie done really well considering what a long day she had!